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What it means to me to be a teacher 

For me being inclusive means, you treat every child equally. To clarify I mean that every child should be given a fair opportunity to learn. Even for students with a disability, they are treated differently, and it affects them academically and emotionally. Children who receive Special Education services are viewed differently by their peers and most importantly their teachers. By striving to be inclusive that means making sure a student with a disability feels like they matter and are treated like they are just another student, the only difference is we are providing them that extra support of technology or any other accommodations they need to succeed. Having accommodations is not a bad thing most students need that extra thing or object to help them learn. For me being inclusive is to treat a child like I would treat any other person, that is with kindness and understanding. Students with a disability are at a disadvantage and to make it fair for them we give them that extra support, but we also do not want to coddle them because it will make them go backwards on their learning. A nice balance of pushing them but giving them extra support is all they need.

My Philosophy: Welcome
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