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Watching the video was very interesting to me. Being a child that was has a Learning disability. This was nice to watch this and have the instructor teach parents and teachers what child with any disability feels daily. What was interesting to me was the perception part of the video where the instructor had them look at a picture. When I looked at the picture at first it was not clear to me like everybody else in the room. The instructor made them feel like they were doing something wrong by making the comments that a teach would make to a child with a disability. What I took from that is, that each child sees something differently and if we as teachers don’t give them that direct instruction of telling them what they are looking at, they will not be able to give us the answer we are looking for. The other thing was that we cannot pressure the child either, a child with a disability is already on edge with potentially answering questions that they are thinking and processing so hard they miss the question the teachers asks of them. To give a child time to process the question you ask them is very important because the child knows the answer of the question, we are asking they just need time to grab the information from their brains and give us that answer.
Giving a child time and direct instruction is something that is very important. We as future teachers are learning how to make sure the class is equal for all our students. However, by creating an anxious learning environment for a child is not good. The child has accommodations, an IEP, maybe even an ABA in place for a reason. Using those resources and making sure we are applying them is very important since you know what they get anxious from. Also speaking to the child and having them advocate for themselves is also important, you can have a conversation with them every few weeks or so and talk to them about what they need from you. Keeping that line of communication with the child, and their parents, is something that can help the child in the future.
Some questions I had was that how were these teachers taught? I was kind of taken a back when the parents and teachers kept laughing, but I was wondering where they laughing at the fact that they have done this to their kids? Or could they be laughing because they are nervous? Everything that was taught during this did not make me laugh because it is something that kids have gone through and the instructor was trying to show them how a student with a disability feels.


The media source I have chosen is "Atypical," that can be viewed on Netflix. This tv series depicts a high school boy, Sam Gardner, who has Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and how he navigated his way through high school. I chose this tv show because it had a lot of similarities of how a student with Autism behaves and their mannerisms. The critique I have is about how they only depicted Sam Gardner who was on the higher functioning end of ASD. This could be confusing to some people who are not well educated about people who have ASD. However this show is useful to show people what a child who has ASD goes through on a daily basis or being treated differently because they act a little differently. The setting of how Autism is portrayed is very positive since the producers really focused on letting people get to know Sam Gardner as an individual and how he thinks rather than giving a perspective from a typical thinking person, that is what they called people who do not have Autism in the show. My reviews about the show is mixed since they showed viewers about someone who has Autism, but the negative aspect of this show is that the producers were giving the impression that families all have issues and need to go to therapy when they have a child with Autism in the family, which is not the case for everyone.


The country that I have chosen is the United Kingdom. I found a website about services that are related to helping children and families with autism in an education setting. The approach that they take is using Applied Behavioral Analysis, ABA. They use ABA to help tailor and support the students with autism working on their individual needs. Within the schooling system they use an extensive intervention, having the students have someone go along with them and help them extensively. What I learned is that in the UK the students are designated to get help in a different way, and also to have interventions start at early age.


The country I have chosen is Taiwan. I have done research and I also interviewed someone from Taiwan about the Special Education services that are provided for students in the education system. When I spoke with my Professor who is from Taiwan gave me an overview of what happens. She talked about how the service has two paths, meaning one path is for students with a mild disability is put into the general education system, to us it could anywhere from ADHD, CD, or LD. The second path would be for the more severe disabilities where they put students into a Special Education classroom, this would be ASD, OHI, or ED. 

I also found a website or journal that talks about Special Education in Taiwan where it talks about the historical foundation and about the current Special Education efforts that Taiwan is now doing. With the Historical background the article talks about how the abilities of a child was based on them, if they can pass a standardized exam they can move onto the next level of education. What this meant was that the students were all taught a specific way this was about Confucius theory. This theory was their way of recognizing and teaching people how to have moral lives and basic knowledge. 

The classrooms now in Taiwan looks different now. In the past children with Special needs just stayed home and never got the proper education that they deserved. The article talks about how currently, families who have a child that has special needs between the ages of 3- 6 years old, will only receive medical care, therapeutic care, or any other professional help for 3 years. Then going forward the child is provided more services upon request and if they have a severe disability. What this means is that the interventions used is not free like how the United States provides services, how Taiwan does interventions is through private groups which is something the parents will have to pay for. 

This was really interesting since Taiwan does offer services, the issue is that it is not like the services we have for children with disabilities. We have FAPE where we cover the child and give them all the resources they need in order to help them succeed in the education system, where as in Taiwan the parents have to seek the resources and pay for it. 

Cited resource

Kang, Y.-S., Lovett, D., & Haring, K. (2002). Culture and Special Education in Taiwan. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 34(5), 12–15. (Links to an external site.) 

Class Discussions: Experience
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